Legal notices

Protection of personal information

The informations collected that concerns you has been processed to the CIL of the CNRS (ref. 2-19015 \ UMR5023). You have the right of access, of correction, of portability, or of removal of this data. You can oppose the processing of the data that concerns you and you have the right to withdraw your agreement at any time, by contacting the webmaster. You can also direct a complaint at a controlling body.

Disclaimer of liability

The responsibility of the CNRS can't be engaged as to the content of the informations available on this website, or the consequences that may result from their use or interpretation.

Intellectual property

The GOTIT project website is a work of creation, exclusive property of the CNRS protected by French and international legislation on intellectual property. No reproduction or representation may be made in contravention of the rights of the CNRS resulting from the aforementioned legislation.