Use this page to browse, create, import, export, show, edit and delete internal biological materials (i.e. specimen lots). Deleting a biological material may not be possible until all data related to a biological material have been deleted. Additional fields can be listed using the top right button. The search button applies to the field "Biological material code". To access to specimens extracted from a specimen lot and to the list of specimens for a site, respectively click the "Ind(s)" and “Ind/St” buttons (option: menu). Also, use the "Ind(s)" button (option +) to create specimens for a biological material.

Lot matériel

Id Code collecte Code lot matériel A traiter Conseil séquencage Date lot matériel Liste de personne(s) Nom pays Code commune Dernier nom de taxon Dernière date identification Dernier critere identification Date maj Date cre User Create User Update Lire Edit Supp Ind(s) Ind/St